Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Peace - Be Still

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

It seems that this new year is starting to be like the beginning stages of the teen years. The teen years actually begin at age 11. That is when you begin to see the change in the person, very subtle but underneath the surface there is change going on. At age 12 the moodiness begins to set in but still not the independence that wants to come with it. But at age 13 the transformation is complete. So here we are 2013! The intensity and the tension seems to have erupted overnight and coupled with that is the moodiness and a deep desire to be independent of anything that is at rest.

In just the last week and a half it seems that I have had to very deliberately calm myself. More than ever I am desiring the Peace of God which passes all understanding. And with that the being still and knowing that He is God.

The LORD who created
The LORD who is Sovereign
The LORD who never changes
The LORD who has my name written on the palm of His Hand

Abba Father, oh how great is Your Name, thank You that You know the number of hairs on my head. Thank You that You have planned and purposed my life. Thank you that I am Loved by thee. Lord, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that she have Your Peace and Be Still. May she place the helmet of salvation upon her head and as she walks through her day and her week may each one be anointed in Your LOVE and JOY. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Resting in His Peace,



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