Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Moments of Life

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I was just standing in my side yard, looking at the moon setting in the early morning skies and turning to my left at the dawn's glowing sun rays; each view had a star shining brightly directly above them, it was totally a God thing. One of those moments in time when you know that He has whispered in your ear and said, "Come you don't want to miss this!"

People try to put a label on it, Aha Moment, God Moment, Wow Moment, wanting to somehow capture the true essence of the experience. And that is totally a God thing too. For He is the One who Created and Planned and Purposed all the moments in our lives.

Dear and precious ones my prayer for all of you this day,

Abba Father, thank you for the moments in life that are filled with your abundant and overflowing richness. Oh, Heavenly Father as each of us live the moments of our lives from the rising of the sun until the setting of the moon may we give thanks for the Preciousness of You. How wonderful, how marvelous is Your abiding LOVE. Abba Father, Come and Whisper. In Jesus Name, Amen.

In the Moment,



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