Wednesday, March 06, 2013

It is a Miracle to Live Each Day

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I was standing at the water's edge the other day desiring to see a whale. Looking intently for the spray to appear I was oblivious of the beauty of each wave that came pounding upon the rocks and shoreline. It was not until a voice from behind me saying that I had better move back because I was going to get wet that broke my concentration. I quickly stepped back, as the spray from the wave crashed over the rock wall. Only then did I notice my surroundings and all that I was missing. My eyes were opened the beauty of the morning itself. All of creation was praising Him. The sound of the ocean, the songs of the birds, the trade winds softly blowing causing the palms to sway in such beauty. Yes the Lord had given me a glorious day to live. Sometimes my desire to see just one thing causes me to miss the whole of it all. It is a miracle to live each day.

Abba Father, Oh most Sovereign Lord, Praise thee for indeed you have created this day and it is a miracle. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that she would seek the beauty of the Creator. The Great I AM who spoke and it was so. I pray that she would know that when Jesus said "It is finished" that is was for her alone. Lord may You be Glorified this day in the lives of these women as they rejoice in the miracle of this day. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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