Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Celebrating December

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

The month of December - I just love the month of December. For two reasons: 1) Christmas, a time of celebration of the invisible and intangible things of life and 2) My birthday, when I turned 60 I decided that I would have a whole month to celebrate my birthday. Now some of you may think that it is rather selfish of me but this is where the celebration of the invisible things of life really is amazing. Each day God shows me something that is so beautiful and magnificent that I am in AWE. He alone is Sovereign and Holy.

I know for some of you receiving this that you cannot celebrate because you are where Job was or maybe you are where Mary and Martha were and the grief is so heavy on your heart.

I know for some of you receiving this that you cannot celebrate because you are where Paul was on the road to Demascus.

I know for some of you receiving this that you cannot celebrate because you are where John the Baptist was before he was beheaded.

Oh, dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Our Abba Father will move heaven and earth, the great I AM who can fathom the depths of HIS LOVE? HE alone is able to take all that was lost, all that caused the pain, all that caused the confusion, all that caused the doubting and proclaims, I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Abba Father, Praise thee for all the invisible and intangible things in our lives. Thank You for Your Goodness and Mercy and Faithfulness and Love and Peace and Joy and Hope. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that this Christmas will be a time of celebration of Your Son, Jesus Christ and may she be so overwhelmed by YOU that each day will be a celebration of all that is pure and holy and true and worthy and glorious. In Jesus Name, Amen.




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