Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Still Alive

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

The end of another month! I just love it when the end of a month or even the beginning of a month ends and starts on a Wednesday. There seems to be something special in that month.

Last night I got the tail end of a special that was being aired on the devastation of "Hurricane Sandy." The news media showed the destruction and interviewed the people in the area. In the interview what was repeatedly stated, "That they did not think it was going to be like this at all", and ended with, "we lost everything, but we are still alive and our families are safe." Then the tears would flow and the embracing of each other began.

The importance of being alive after all is lost and just as important the embracing of loved ones and thankfulness in the midst of the destruction and loss.
Yes Lord, being alive!

Also there were two groups that I know of that are there helping with the cleanup. Operation Blessing and Samaritan's Purse. In the midst of them that are dealing with the loss and the trauma of it all, these individuals who will be helping in what matters most - bringing the Hope and Love of Jesus Christ. I pray for an epic revival to begin in the country like none other seen or heard before.

Abba Father, thank You and Praise You for staying Your hand, for Your Faithfulness. Lord as we come before Your throne of Grace may we bring before You the devastated areas of our lives, bring before You the lost areas of our lives, bring before You the trauma's in our lives and ask that You ignite a passion in each one of us to cry out to Jesus and begin to worship the one who gives us Life. Who died on the Cross and bore our pain and was wounded for our transgressions and is now seated at the right hand of You, Abba Father. Lord, may be begin to Praise the Name of Jesus for we are Alive. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Alive in Christ Jesus,



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