Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I know that I am a little late is getting this posted this morning, I have been resting. I started feeling a little sickly last week and went to the doctor on Monday and he confirmed that it was a sinus infection. He ordered bed rest for the next two days given the stress that I have been under these past three months. At first I told him that I really couldn't afford to take the time, but he insisted. I called work and told them that I was staying home and faxed them the doctors excuse slip. After picking up my medication I went home and straight to bed. The next morning, being Tuesday, reading in my devotional, God was telling me that he has set this time aside that I would draw closer to him, and as I did He would take care of all the rest of the details of my life. I was to seek His Face.

I started reading Matthew and still am, one of the verses that called out to me was, Matt. 6:22, "The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light." Right now my eyes are not very clear - because I am taking medication I know that but also I know I am only seeing dimly but it will all be revealed when Jesus Christ returns.

Abba Father, Gracious and Mighty Sovereign Lord, thank You that when we seek Your Face You reveal the miraculous and the untold mysteries of old. Lord I pray for each precious sister-in-Christ, whom You love deeply and intimately would seek Your Face, desire none other, Oh Lord and when she does You would anoint her with Your Spirit to become the woman You have planned and purposed her to become since the foundations of the world. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Seeking His Face,


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