Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Cradled in His Arms

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

The last Wednesday of May and this month has been exceptionally stressful due to the "unexpected."

1) My brother was told that he had 4-6 months to live, to contact hospice and prepare to die. 2) My husband was told that he needed to get to Honolulu immediately and see the heart surgeon because of potential problems with fluids surrounding his heart. And I am sure that with each one of you the "unexpected" comes in so many different ways. How does one live through the "unexpected"?

Psalm 32:7-8 "Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance Selah." 8) "I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye."

Oh to know that when the "unexpected" overpowers us, and we want to just hide someplace, that our Lord is our hiding place and that He will preserve you/me from trouble (even though on the outside it looks like we are not going to make it) and that He surrounds you/me with songs of deliverance. My mind imagines a mother sitting in a rocking chair holding her child in her arms and sweetly singing. And this is what the Lord is doing, holding us and singing songs. It is then that He will instruct and teach and guide. Praise thee most Sovereign Lord that the "unexpected" need not be crisis but it can be a time when You will hold us/me in Your most Holy arms.

I do not want to leave you hanging as to what happened with my brother - we prayed together, my brother walked out of the hospital, got on an airplane and is now spending time with our parents doing what he loves. He has his good days and bad days but whenever he is asked about his cancer, his reply is, "My God knows when I am going to die and I trust Him because I know I am going to heaven."

My husband saw his primary care doctor yesterday and there has been no change in the fluid surrounding his heart and was told, "no one wants to open up your chest again so continue with your recovery and hopefully it will resolve itself. We are praising the Lord that there is no change and no surgery will be done.

Most Glorious and Magnificent Lord, Hallelujah that You are our hiding place, that you preserve us from trouble. Praise thee Abba Father.
Oh Abba, how great thou art. I come this morning asking for Your Presence to permeate each dear sister-in-Christ as she encounters the "unexpected" in her life. Oh Lord may she know that You are her hiding place and that You are preserving her from trouble and may she feel Your Presence as you compass her about and may she hear You as You sing songs of deliverance. In Jesus Name, Amen

Cradled in His Arms,


P.S. I have a new flower to display this week. It is from a dear sister-in-Christ, Elise Grey, whose artwork so inspires me and so many others. Her link: LadyGrey Collections


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