Wednesday, November 02, 2011

A New Month

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I pray that entering into this new month will be rewarding and challenging for all of you. I know that some of you will think that it is a pretty outrageous prayer to pray for but please consider this: 1) This new month is jam packed, overflowing, bulging at the seams, crammed into every nook and granny, filled to the brim, FULL. 2) This new month God is directing, guiding, His eye upon You, whispering in Your ear, singing a song over You, taking Great delight in you, holding you up, keeping you, giving you tender mercies, for EACH DAY. So that is 30 days of GOODness, KINDness, GENTLEness, LOVE, JOY, HOPE, and so much MORE. So if I do pray for the day to be rewarding it is because I am asking God, our Abba Father, the Sovereign LORD who created all things by speaking it into existence. And if I pray for each day to also be challenging it is because this same God speaks to us each day.

For most of us probably the month of November has become known as the month of giving thanks, so for this month how about a challenge and prayerfully it will be coupled with a reward. The challenge:

1) Upon waking - thank HIM and
2) Right before you close your eyes at the end of the day laying upon your pillow - thank HIM.

For those of you who journal - get a fat journal you are going to need one.
For those of you who are list makers - get a big, big pad
For those of you who want to get started - grab a pencil/pen/crayon/chalk
For those of you who do not have the time - Ask HIM

I have it on the greatest AUTHORITY that you will find it to be the most rewarding 24 hours.

Thank You Abba Father,


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