Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Prayer and then the Encounter

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Last night "IT" happened. Over the last two years I have been "hard after" (seeking and asking) God to show me more of HIM. I started attending a Beth Moore teaching on Revelation and last night began like any other night. You know the kind of night - you show up and all are there and the conversations begin and still you sit there wondering. Our session starting with small groups getting together, we had a new person in our group so introductions were made and then we prayed. One young lady prayed and her petition before the Lord was the first "IT". The second was when Beth Moore began her study - I leaned forward in my chair and began to listen and as the words were spoken I began to hear and see. As the stage was set the unveiling began and I am undone. Oh Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords, the Lamb that was slain, the one who bore all the sins of the world, the one who died on the Cross, I want to know You more and more and more.

Abba Father, Oh most Sovereign Lord, Creator of all Things, Your Voice like nothing ever seen or heard, who can grasp Your infinite wisdom, who can fathom the depths of Your Love, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that from this time until the end of time that she will Stand in Awe of the One who Gave it All. Lord may her "hard after" be filled with the prayer and then the Encounter. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Standing in Awe of HIM,

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Early Morning

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I don't know about you but my 2011 year started immediately. Work wise I was multi-tasking even faster that I knew that I could go. For that reason I find my Wednesday morning is even more precious and more desirable. I am able to sit quietly and wait upon the Lord. And in that waiting before Him in the early morning hours, before even the birds awake, I hear the sound of the waves bashing upon the shore and know that He is Sovereign. For He made the boundaries and told the sea that it could only go this far and no more. As the waves pound relentlessly against the sand and rocks it was commanded by our most loving Father that they could only go thus far and no more. How amazing is our God!! He commands but does not demand. He directs but does not dictate, He judges but does not prejudge and HIS tender mercies are new every morning. Praise thee most Glorious and Magnificent LORD.

Abba Father, Praise thee, oh Praise thee, lifting up holy hands to worship thee. You are my Abba Father, my LORD, my GOD, who reigns on high. Oh, Abba, as each dear and precious sister-in-Christ enters into her day may she first come before thee and wait. For it is in the waiting upon thee that she will gain strength to take just another step, that she will receive peace that passes all understanding, that she will believe in the One who gave it all. In Jesus Name, Amen.

The Early Morning,

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

I Desire "God's Better"

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

The first Wednesday of 2011 and I have the privilege of spending it with you - my dear friends. I was chatting online with a dear friend on New Year's Day telling her that I was excited about 2011 because I was expecting "God's Better" in 2011. I think that what I was really desiring is "God's Good". Here on the islands the word for good is ono, and I guess it is the way they express something that is ono that captures my senses. Whether it is food or an event or something special they are telling you about - it is in the telling, "that it was so ono", - their whole body speaks it out and you know that it was something so rich and wonderful and glorious and highly desired. That's what I am expecting "God's Good". In the beginning, God pronounced over his creation that it was "Good" and that is what I desire. For me I desire to live each day of 2011 expecting "God's Good" and the only way that I know to express it is "God's Better".

Abba Father how glorious, how marvelous, how wonderful thou art. Praise thee oh most Sovereign Lord for You are most Worthy of all Honor and Glory and Praise. Abba, as we enter into a new year I pray for each precious sister-in-Christ that when she awakes each morning she desires Your "Good" and as she closes her eyes each night that she hears Your Sweet Whispers of Love. May she live her day knowing that her Abba, her Heavenly Father, her God who is the creator of Everything pronounced that "it is Good" and that is all she needs is "God's Good".

Desiring "God's Better",