Wednesday, September 01, 2010

September Journey, 2010

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Today is the first day of September 2010. For me the month of September is a month which I know in my heart and soul and mind that Satan desired me and Abba Father said, "I know my daughter". Oh, what blessed assurance that my Abba Father knows me. So each September I celebrate because what Satan meant for evil and what was taken God blessed double portion. This September I will be inquiring of the Lord. Our pastor has called for a 21 day fast and prayer time where we will corporately and individually inquire of the Lord. How amazing that it occurs during the month of September when I reflect on those so many years ago when my Abba Father said, "I know my daughter".

Abba Father, oh most Sovereign LORD, our Heavenly Father, Praise thee far above all things. LORD, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ this day and in the days ahead that she would inquire of thee. In her waking hours and before she falls to sleep that she would inquire of thee. In her conversations and in her silence that she would inquire of thee. In her dreams and desires that she would inquire of thee. Oh Lord I pray that she will hear Your sweet whispers and worship and obey. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Beginning my September Journey


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