Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Small Glimpse of Just How Far

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

While waiting in line to pay for my groceries last night a small glimpse of just how far was given. The young lady had two children, a girl around 4 and another, an infant, on her hip. She was emptying her basket of items onto the conveyor belt. As she did the line kept getting longer and longer but she stayed calm not letting the noises from the line bother her. When all the items were on the counter she handed the teller the WIC stubs. As I watched the interaction of the teller and the young lady I remarked that it sure is different from when I used them. The teller turned to me and stated, "You used to use WIC?" It was then that I remembered a time when I was in the same situation and just how far I had come. How Great and Marvelous is our God that sometimes He reminds us and sometimes He spares us of the memory.

Abba Father, Alleluia, most Sovereign Lord, You are most Glorious and I am AWE of Your Goodness and Kindness. LORD, I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day that she would get a small glimpse of just how far... You are Her Almighty God, who creates and speaks and hears and hides and holds and LOVES us forever and ever. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Thanking Him for Small Glimpses,


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