Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Mysteries of Prayer

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

It is a honor to come into your world each Wednesday morning. This is a time also for me to come before the most awesome God in asking for His mercy and grace for I know not how to pray for each of you. All I know is that I am compelled to continue as long as the Lord would have me do so. Our church is focusing on prayer and as the month of September approaches we are learning about prayer and ways to apply it to our everyday lives. Once again the Lord is revealing the mysteries of prayer and that is why I do indeed consider it an honor to pray for you each Wednesday.

Abba Father, how vast is Your Love, how wide is Your Forgiveness, how deep is Your Mercy, how high is Your Faithfulness, how rich are Your Blessings and how Sovereign is Your Power. Praise thee oh Lord. Thank You oh Lord that You hear my prayer - I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that she would seek the one who paid the price, to walk in freedom and to set her mind to know the will of God. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next time,


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