Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Taking the "Plunge"

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

A co-worker of mine stated that things had been building up and that she was going to go to the special beach over the weekend with family and when she did the "plunge" she would be refreshed and ready to face life again. Doesn't that sound wonderful to be able to jump into the ocean and come up refreshed and renewed and ready to face life again. We dear sisters-in-Christ have a Heavenly Father who continually baths us in Love. We get to be renewed and restored every day, called to take the "plunge" each and every day. How great is our GOD.

Abba Father, oh most Sovereign LORD who never forsakes and never leaves us, thank You. My prayer for each one of you today and in the days ahead that You would take the "plunge". Allow God to bath You in His LOVE. Be soaked in precious tender mercies and be washed clean of all sin fully forgiven and richly blessed. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Taking the "plunge"


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