Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Taking the "Plunge"

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

A co-worker of mine stated that things had been building up and that she was going to go to the special beach over the weekend with family and when she did the "plunge" she would be refreshed and ready to face life again. Doesn't that sound wonderful to be able to jump into the ocean and come up refreshed and renewed and ready to face life again. We dear sisters-in-Christ have a Heavenly Father who continually baths us in Love. We get to be renewed and restored every day, called to take the "plunge" each and every day. How great is our GOD.

Abba Father, oh most Sovereign LORD who never forsakes and never leaves us, thank You. My prayer for each one of you today and in the days ahead that You would take the "plunge". Allow God to bath You in His LOVE. Be soaked in precious tender mercies and be washed clean of all sin fully forgiven and richly blessed. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Taking the "plunge"

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fire Flies

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

The last week of our three week vacation was spent in Indiana with our oldest child and his family. I had spent several summers in Indiana with my mother's side of the family and I was looking forward to seeing the fireflies once again. My cousins and I would spend our summer evenings with a jar in hand capturing fireflies and using them as lanterns to play our games. Sitting in a lawn chair joined with my husband, son and his family while the fireflies flitted all around us was peaceful and precious. The fireflies, when lit up reminded me of times when I thought it was dark and a little flicker of light would appear and I would have hope or peace or joy or love. Jesus the Light of the World. Just when I'm dreading the situation or doubting the outcome or hiding from the pain a little flicker of light appears. Yes indeed the evenings were special and precious.

Abba Father, Praise thee oh Lord God, thank You for Your provision of lighting our path, thank You for Your Peace, the Light of the World. Abba Father I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that today and the days ahead would be filled with Your flickers of Light enabling them to rejoice and give thanks in all things for You are a God who gives unmerited favor (Grace) to His children. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Captured by the Light,

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Packing and Moving

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

We are once again packing our belongings and moving to a new location. Not to far from here but still some things need to be packed so that they are safe when being moved from place to place. I often wonder what we pack in our minds to keep safe while we go from one circumstance to another. I know that one thing I pack securely is my keepsakes. Even though I rarely take them out of my corner cabinet they are still my keepsakes and I tenderly wrap them in paper and place in the box, mark it fragile and hope that it gets to the place safely. In fact, I will probably take the box myself. Keepsakes, whether they are tangible or not we all have them. Certain items that we refuse to give up because they remind us of something special and wonderful.

Abba Father, thank You for all the Promises, the keepsakes, the tender mercies You give each and every day. Twenty four hours of tender mercies. Oh Lord I pray that we not allow doubt or fear to keep us from unpacking the Promises, the Gifts and the Blessings that You have planned and purposed in the lives of these precious sisters-in-Christ. That they no longer store in the mind but may these Promises and Gifts go deep into the Heart that they are able to boldly proclaim the "Good News", the Gospel, the Truth. In Jesus Name, Amen.


Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Night Blooming Jasmine

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

As many of you know from the previous posts I just returned from the mainland. Three wonderful and rewarding weeks spent with 3 grown children and their families. My daughter and I are tea drinkers and being able to purchase some favorite teas for us was special indeed. I'm trying one of them this morning. It is called Emerald Blossom Jasmine. As it was steeping the smell of night blooming jasmine and the image of my dad and me sitting on the back porch came back as if it were yesterday. Daddy and I could talk for hours about almost anything. When I was troubled about things he had a way of listening that I knew I was safe to share.

Heavenly Father, thank You that You gave me a earthly father that I could go to and share and who listened. I pray for each sister-in-Christ today and in the days ahead that You would reveal to her that You are her Heavenly Father and that You are listening to her heart and that You are Passionate about her. Abba Father may she open up her heart and be blessed in the most of amazing of ways and go forth this day in Your Love and Joy and Hope. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Enjoying the Memory,
