Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Tree Swing

Dear sisters-in-Christ,

I was remembering something as I was preparing this morning. I had two grandmothers because Grandpa had divorced and remarried. Grandma Irene was my real grandma and Grandma Jesse was my other grandma. As kids we would hear all the stories about how much Grandma Irene was hurt by Grandma Jesse so being a kid I did not care one way or the other about Grandma Jesse, until one summer. We had moved into my Grandpa's old farm house and daddy had put up a tree swing. Not the tire type but one where two or three people could sit in and swing. Grandpa and Grandma Jesse would come over on the weekend's to visit. Usually us kids (5 + cousins) would play but this one summer I started sitting on that swing with Grandma Jesse. I remember being troubled about learning my multiplication tables and told this to grandma. She told me that she liked having her hair brushed. I told her that I could brush her hair for her. That is how I learned the multiplication tables and how I learned to love my grandma Jesse, the dearest and sweetest woman who God placed in my life.

May your week be filled with God's blessing. When you are having a problem He may just bring along someone who needs to have their hair brushed. God is so Gracious and Faithful to us. May we never cease in our Praises and Worship.

Holy Father, Righteous and True,
Hallelujah to our God, who Spoke and it came into Being. Thank you Lord that You Speak, You Touch, You Desire, You Promise, You Pour Out, You Give, Your Restore and You Redeem. May each dear sister-in-Christ this day and in the days ahead lean not on their own understanding but hold tight to Your Promises. May they hold onto Your sustaining Power, Your eternal Peace, and Your abundant Provisions. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until Next Week

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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