Wednesday, October 04, 2006

God's Reply

Greetings to my dear sisters-in-Christ:

October already - I just finished my September Journey with the Lord and what a journey it was. On October 1st I was refreshed and ready to begin. I will be hosting a prayer and fasting retreat on the 14th of October and would ask for prayers for the women who will be coming and for the speakers. That God would be Glorified and Magnified Abundantly on that day.

This morning as I came to my computer and touched the keys - I began typing -

God this is an impossible situation - how can I take it another day and still remain sane? That is our question in the midst of the trial, I do feel like I am in a little boat and the waves are getting bigger and bigger and the darkness overwhelms me. Then I read God's reply to Job - Chapter 38:4 "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?" vs. 16 "Have you entered into the springs of the sea, Or walked in the recesses of the deep?" vs. 36 "Who has put wisdom in the innermost being, Or given understanding to the mind?"

This is my God!! Glorious, Magnificent, Holy and Great. No longer will I listen to the thoughts which keep telling me that what I am going through is to much to bear - I know that I have the LORD, who hears me in the midst of my pain, my concern, my dilemma, my dread, my circumstance. HE is the great I AM, the all consuming Fire, the Creator, the Sovereign LORD.

Yes-God does reply, Yes-God does whisper, Yes-God does direct. He sometimes places us in the boat and tells us to go to the other side without HIM. And it is in those times that I will choose to Trust that when He says to Go I must.

Heavenly Father, our Great and Mighty LORD, Hallelujah, Praise You that You Reply. I thank you for Your Word which You place in our Hearts. May each dear sister-in-Christ come into Your Presence this day and in the days ahead and wait for Your Reply. It is in the waiting times when You reveal Your marvelous mysteries to us. I pray also for each dear woman that they would be filled up with Your Love. In Jesus Name, Amen

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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