Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Fresh Inspiration

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, My fingertips on the keys and waiting for the Lord to bring inspiration as I type. Sometimes it comes quickly and at other times, like right now, it is quiet. I must wait for His inspiration otherwise my words would be useless. He knows the words to write that will touch the hearts of those whom He has given me to send forth. I do not take these Wednesday morning prayers for granted for only He gives the inspiration and the words. He prepares the hearts and He knows ALL things so as I wait for Him it is a special time that He sets aside each Wednesday. How great and good and glorious is our Abba Father that He is consistent and righteous and merciful and mighty. He constantly overwhelms and builds up and directs and guides each one of you with His Love. How powerful is His Love that it stills the anxious heart, gives peace to the troubling mind and enters in our lives bringing Joy and giving Hope. Our miraculous Abba Father, our Lord, our GOD the great I AM. Let us pray - Abba Father, thank You and Praise You for who You are. O Lord, I pray that today Your fresh inspiration would abound in the hearts and minds of each dear and precious sister-in-Christ. Fresh inspiration to bring about answers to prayers that some have been praying for a long time. Fresh inspiration to take hold and bring a Joy never experienced before or a Hope that could not be brought about any other way and a Love that overflows into their hearts that even the darkest of times brings forgiveness releasing a burdened heart. In Jesus Name, Amen. Blessings and may the inspiration be dazzling,


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