Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Total Dependency - Total Sufficiency

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Total DEPENDENCY and total SUFFICIENCY, yes all caps is a must for these two words! In Matthew 14:22-27 Jesus told his disciples to get in the boat, well the Lord has told us that we are to move and it was very clear that it was being directed by him. Now this is where the total dependency and total sufficiency comes into the picture. When the Lord told us to move and we said yes and began the process of taking the next step of faith, which was contacting a real estate agent and listing I considered that as getting into the boat and pushing off from shore. Did the disciples look at Jesus as they pushed off from shore? Did they watch as He dismissed the crowd? Did they watch as he went up the mountain to pray? So here we are in the boat in the middle of the lake and things are beginning to happen that are totally out of our hands. A storm is brewing, unexpected circumstances are like the strong winds causing waves of doubt and fear to crash against our boat. Each day seems to bring another challenge and with that comes a choice. Yes, we do have a choice - we can give into the crashing waves of doubt and fear or we can call out to Jesus who is our total dependency and our total sufficiency. We can know that because of verse 27, "But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying "Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid."" Let up pray - Abba Father, Hallowed be thy name, Our Father who loves us beyond measure and directs our steps and guides us and provides for us and leads us in the most amazing of ways. O Lord, Your thoughts are higher than our thoughts and Your ways are higher than our ways and I am so thankful for that fact. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that if she has gotten into the boat to go to the other side in obedience to Your command may she know and be still and say, "O, Lord, You are my total dependency and my total sufficiency for the rest of my life." In Jesus Name, Amen. Jesus, O Jesus, Blessed be Your Name,

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Sounds of Spring

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, It is Spring and a time to be outside listening to the sounds of Spring. As I step out of my door to begin my morning walk I hold onto the handle of the door and taking a breath I begin by taking a step outside. The quietness of the house left behind I enter into a world of such sweet music. The kind of music that only nature can and does provide. The sounds of birds fill the air with joyous melodies followed by the leaves of the trees being swayed back and forth by the gentle breeze. I walk over to the creek which is beside my house and listen to the flowing of the water over the rocks and look at the ripples that the ducks have made for I have disturbed them and they fly away. Creating another sound of rushing water and wings in flight. As I walk along the walking trails there is much to hear - a deer in the meadow, a squirrel in the trees, and canadian geese flying overhead. Yes, the sounds of nature that calm the mind and gives me a sense of hope and joy like none other. Let us pray - Abba Father, our Father, who created all these things, who cares for all of these things. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that the sounds of Spring would flow through her senses reminding her that You created all these things and You provide for all of these things. And as she walks through her day may she remember how Great and Good and Beautiful and Faithful and Kind You Are. Lord lifting up our praises to Thee. In Jesus Name, Amen. Lifting up praises to Thee,

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Teach Me Thy Way O Lord - Psalm 86:11

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, It has been so long ago that I received a little wooden plaque (2x4) with these words painted on it, "Teach me thy way, O Lord. Psalm 86:11". It is currently on a little stand and sits in my garden window in the kitchen. And since I am frequently standing with my hands in the sink, either cleaning up a mess or making a mess and looking out the window, it is hard to miss it. In preparing for posting this morning, looking out my garden window my eyes were drawn to it and knew what I needed to post. Two days ago, an early morning wake up conversation from the Lord, "my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts". I must have been subconsciously thinking about something so my thoughts are that He is trying to tell me something. My thoughts and ways are being challenged these days and the Lord knew that I was in need of His way in order to hold onto Him and trust and believe in faithfulness and gentleness and goodness. So leaning not on my own understanding but saying out loud the truth I am able to have peace and joy as I walk through my day. Let us pray - Abba Father, who art in Heaven, O Lord thank You that You always whisper in our ear or sing a song over us and guide us in the most wonderful ways. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ this day that her life would be filled to overflowing with Your faithfulness and gentleness and goodness. And that she would have moments of such joy that she bursts into laughter and she would have moments of such hope that she would walk boldly through her day and she would have moments of such faith that she would take a step forward. In Jesus Name, Amen. O Lord, teach me thy way,
Isaiah 55:8-9, Psalm 119:105, Romans 8:28, Proverbs 3:5-6

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Daffodils and Tulips

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, My yard is adorned with yellow cupped daffodils and orange, yellow, and purple tulips. The few bulbs that were planted two years ago are yielding more and more flowers. How great is our Heavenly Father that His goodness and faithfulness is displayed through these flowers. The bulbs are nothing special, in fact they are really plain looking and not really big in size. Their covering is a layered brown onion skinned texture. To look at it you would never guess that when It bloomed it would be so beautiful. Our Heavenly Father created and His creation when witnessed or experienced renders a person speechless. Dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, yes, we are His creation and we have been formed and fashioned and with each season of our lives we will bloom for He has planned and purposed us for His Glory. When I go outside and look at the daffodils in the backyard and then go to the front yard to see the tulips my feelings of joy and hope and a peace flow through my body and I am in awe once again at the colors and designs and am content to bask in God's beauty on display. Today I would like to pray this prayer - Luke 11:2-4, "And he (Jesus) said to them, "When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation." (ESV) O, Lord, fill each dear and precious sister-in-Christ with Your Goodness and Faithfulness and may Your beauty be displayed in her life. In Jesus Name, Amen. Enjoying the flowers and His Goodness and Faithfulness,