Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The Vastness of It All

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Looking outside my window at the first day of fall color of the sky. Here in Montana we are known for our beautiful blue skies and indeed that is very true for indeed the sky seems to reach from end to end and the bluer it is the more magnificent is the telling of the vastness of our God. For one is the colors, ALL colors seem to match the array of beauty whether in a flower or a tree or the dirt or the sky. A second reason is the vastness of it ALL. A person could get dizzy just standing in their front yard or alongside the road while looking up at the sky. A third reason is creation itself - ALL colors and shapes and sizes and diversity of textures seems to call out to your senses and either brings joy or fear. Hopefully all the days of fall and whatever is involved in your days ahead I pray that with each new day would come from the Lord new mercies. Abba Father, our Lord of Creation and our Lord who has each day planned and purposed thank you that You include us in it. Thank You that You embrace us each day and love us richly each day and never, ever forsake each day. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that as she walks into this day that it be filled with the vastness of You and the Beauty of You and the fragrance of You being permeated throughout her whole being. In Jesus Name, Amen. Grasping at the day,


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