Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Along The Way

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Welcome to the month of August! A month where gardens flourish and flowers run amuck competing for your attention and voices of people of all ages are audible because of gatherings of music festivals, circuses, local and state fairs, and family get-togethers. Yes a month of activities - road trips, family vacations, picnics, camps and fishing and floating the rivers and creeks. This morning I would like to pause... if you had only one keepsake memory along the way what would it be? My father and mother collected rocks and along the way of their travels they would venture off and come back with a rock, big ones and little ones and various sizes and shapes and colors, I have those now. It used to be that some people would collect postcards of the various places they visited and of course there were spoons and various refrigerator magnets too. So along the way what have you collected? What have you treasured enough to keep as a memory of your journey? Oh and I almost forgot - photos! It is the same with your walk with the Lord, He has embedded in your heart those treasured memories, spiritual memories. They aren't always that visible, in fact, they are often overlooked because of the boldness of this world. While we are pausing, think about the preparation needed to do the activities, so along the way of your destination, whether close to home or far away, consider asking the Lord for Him to show you what treasured moment He wants you to see or learn or hear. He does have something planned and purposed and it is always along the way. Abba Father, Praise and Glory to You. Thank You that You fill our hearts and minds and souls with Your Presence. May each dear and precious sister-in-Christ pause today and ask and in the asking may she receive the answer that brings her to a richer and deeper and more intimate relationship with You, her Lord and Savior. In Jesus Name, Amen. Considering my along the way treasures,


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