Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Giving Thanks for Everything

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Over the last couple of months I have been trying to "downsize" some of the things in my mother's house. My daddy passed away February of 2018 and his things were still in the closets and bedrooms and other areas and since my brother started living with my mom due to her advanced dementia he needed room to store his things also and since he is very busy trying to manage his family and himself and mom I help in areas he doesn't feel comfortable. So Tuesday is mom's day - shower, lunch, and spending time with her so my brother can have a little time for himself. It started with daddy's clothes but then it extended to clearing some of the items that had been stored under the bed and in unused dresser drawers. My task was completed yesterday when I removed all the things from under the beds and dressers. It was exhausting and yet rewarding at the same time to try and sort things and not go down memory lane with some of the things. I would like to share the reward - In the top dresser drawer daddy had cards and papers and pens and assorted things - I was tossing them in a bag when I came upon a folded in quarters piece of paper - I laid it aside for some reason and finished emptying the drawer. I put the folded piece of paper in my purse to look at later - when I got home that afternoon I took the piece of paper and unfolding it I saw my dad's handwriting and on the piece of paper was written, "What is Christ to a Christian - EVERYTHING - E) Eternal with us forever, V) Victorious over death, E) Eternity with Him in heaven, R) Righteous with Him in ALL things, Y) YAH-WEH, T) Trust in Him, H) Heaven, I) Invincible, N) Near us at ALL times, G) Glorious with Him forever." I am thankful for folded pieces of paper and for the little things in life that our Heavenly Father gives us at just the right time and in the most unusual ways. May your Thanksgiving day be blessed and may you indeed give thanks for EVERYTHING. Abba Father, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that her life be filled with Your Joy and Hope and Love and Peace. And may Your Presence be ever evident in her life as she lives out her life with You. In Jesus Name, Amen. Blessings,


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