Wednesday, October 06, 2021

October - A Month of Many Colors

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Welcome to the month of October! A month of many colors - light to dark greens, oranges to reds, subtle to bold yellows,and even the skies are filled with different colors of clouds. Yes a month of colors! Each color displaying its beauty can sometimes become overwhelming to the naked eye because our senses can go into overdrive trying to hurriedly capture each hue. As I sit on my bench under the Ash tree above me, the leaves begin to drop from the branches and fall upon me or the ground or into the water. I hope that your Fall is rich in bounty and in colors and will bring to your minds just how colorful our world really is. As you welcome in the month of October I pray that your eyes will see and behold the beauty of each color and enjoy the richness of the season. Abba Father, thank You O Lord for Your Grace and Mercy. Praise You for Your Goodness and Kindness. O Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that she would be surrounded by the richness of Your beauty. May they see Your glory displayed not only in the natural world but see even deeper into the eternal world where the colors of the Light are brilliant and majestic to behold. In Jesus Name, Amen. Basking in the Beauty of the Lord,


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