Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Now It Happened

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Storytelling is truly an art form and with an opening like the one in First Kings chapter 18 as an example, how can our hearts not be captured by the reading of it and immediately know that what follows is indeed an intriguing story. But what is truly amazing and wonderful is that this story of old, is for us, God's elect, God's children, God's Beloved. This is more than a story, it is a reality. These events actually happened to Elijah. Yes, "now it happened", draws us into the situation and we become witnesses of how great is our God. How many times have we been or seen or heard an account of something and maybe used these exact same words, "now it happened"? The Lord is still telling us "now it happened" today. He still is speaking to us! How marvelous is our Lord that He understands and knows our hearts and He longs to show us that our present situation, no matter what it is that He can tell us for certainty that when we get beyond it, which we will victoriously, we will then see, "now it happened". God's timing is Supreme. His timing is Perfect! His timing Reigns! Dearest and most precious sisters-in-Christ, may you rest and be still and allow His timing of your lives to be evident. Abba Father, we thank You and give You praise for Your perfect timing in our lives. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that today she would allow You to speak into the deepest part of her heart. The place where she goes too for comfort and peace and embraces her with Your abiding peace and Unfailing Love and Your JOY that she will boldly proclaim that all is well in her life because she waits for Your timing in ALL things. In Jesus Name, Amen. God's Perfect Timing,


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