Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Imagine Your Story

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Almost all of you I have met face-to-face, and a couple of you only through other people and one case through her writings and artwork. In searching for something to post this morning my attention was drawn to a bookmarker that I got from our local library, there are different animal characters on it but my thoughts, when I read the three words, were of you. Yes you, my dear and precious sisters-in-Christ whom I communicate with each Wednesday morning. Just imagine your story, for we have one together. For those I have met face-to-face, your story so touched me and encouraged me and without you even knowing it at the time, inspired me. For the couple of you who are still receiving these because a friend thought that you would like it, your story to her meant something so special. For the one who I have yet to meet in person, in the imaging of your story you have deepened my faith and my walk with the Lord. ALL of you, my dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, in the imaging of your story is the end of our journey together worshipping our Lord and Savior? Your story is so important I pray that as you imagine your story that you would be still and know that the Creator, the I AM, has already seen it and planned and purposed it so go ahead and imagine your story in vivid, brilliant, luminous, and fabulous colors and shapes and designs. Abba Father, thank You for creating each dear and precious sister-in-Christ. We lift up our hands in praise to Thee. Lord, I ask that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ "imagine her story", the story that You have already planned and purposed for her life. Aww, how sweet and adventurous and gentle and hilarious and at the same time directed by You. May each one come before the Throne of Grace and begin to imagine her story. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen Blessings my dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,


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