Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Welcome to 2021

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Welcome to 2021!!! Yes three exclamation marks are required! Traditions - 1) New Year's Day was spent in taking down the Christmas decorations and instead of replacing the empty spaces with things that had previously been there am leaving the spaces empty. I'm seeking something special to place in my bay window and kitchen garden window this year. 2) Using a new devotional journal - ususally it is purchased in late November or early December. And since I have been doing it for several years now I have found that it usually sets the theme of my year. This year's theme is "taking one day at a time." Yes, I have tried through the years to do this but get caught up in so many things that each day seems to blend into each other. The year 2020 seemed to do that, don't you think? Same stuff, different day. So this year - "Each day is a new day!" With that being said, the devotional I chose, "Jesus Always Embracing Joy in His Presence" by Sarah Young. Yes, His Presence, how can I not live just "one day at a time" The cover is canvas and the lettering is a mixture of burgundy and gold lettering with delicate leaves with the same coloring. On the backside is written, "IN YOUR PRESENCE IS FULLNESS OF JOY." Psalm 16:11. Yes, welcome to 2021!!! My prayer dear and precious sisters-in-Christ: Abba Father, thank You that You have given us one day at a time and each day is filled with Your tender mercies and a command to "rejoice and be glad in it". LORD on the 6th day You "saw that all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. There was evening and there was morning, the sixth day." (Genesis 1:31) Yes, Lord on this 6th day of 2021 may we see the eternal, see what You SEE! That ALL that You had made and BEHOLD as You did "that is was GOOD." Oh Lord may each dear and precious sister-in-Christ experience, enjoy, exalt, exult, and in expectation live out each day at a time "embracing Joy in Jesus Presence. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen. Desiring to be in His Presence,


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