Wednesday, November 11, 2020

A Spa Day at Elim

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, I do believe that a spa day is in order, but first let me share my morning experience - upon awakening my thought was of an oasis - somewhere in my bible reading was a story about a place where the Isralites had been led to after the exodus from Egypt. But more importantly was the sweetness that had entered my room. It was beyond peace, and this sweetness brought me to tears. I knew it was the presence of the Lord for I had experienced this twice before and with all that has transpired ALL over the world it was so unexpected and sweet that it brought me to tears. Now for our spa day at Elim -- only one verse found in Exodus 15:27, which reads, "Then they came to Elim where there were twelve springs of water and seventy date palms, and they camped there beside the waters. The Isralites had fled on foot from Egypt and approaching were the Egyptians on horses and chariots. They reached the Red Sea and it parted and still walking on dry ground they crossed over and witnessed the power of the LORD. These past few days have been charged with terror and fear and now they were without food or water. And for three days they found no water, even at Marah the waters were bitter until the Lord showed Moses a tree which he threw into the waters, and the waters became sweet. But still they left there after Moses had made for them a statue and regulation. At this point you are probably wondering what does all this have to do with having a spa day at Elim. Well -- here it comes, I love these verses that start with then... Yes we have been through so much but today we need a word of truth, and word that comforts and fills us with sweetness and brings us to tears of pure Joy. So for today let us have a spa day with the Word of Truth, Jesus Christ. You most definitely will not be surrounded by twelve springs of water and sevety date palms, but TRUST me our LORD will provide something so special and sweet and pure and beautiful that it pales to what the Isralites found in Elim. So may your day begin with the LORD saying, "then they came to..." Abba Father, Our glorious and magnificent and loving Father, Praise and Glory and Honor to Thee. LORD thank You for giving us Jesus, thank You for not leaving us forsaken but giving us Your Holy Spirit. LORD, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that as You direct her and guide her this day that it will be a day that You have set aside just for her to be pampered, loved, embraced, purified, cleansed, refreshed, renewed and restored. A day like none other where her tears of Joy can flow freely and these tears will be for things lost or hopes not met or dreams not fulfilled or pains so deep but in the releasing of these tears You will bring the sweetness of Your Presence. In Jesus Name, Amen. May the tears flow,


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