Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Power of Prayer

Greetings dear and precious sister-in-Christ, This will be my 663 post. It started as a thought that I wanted to stay connected to my friends from the mainland when we moved to Hawaii. Initially I wrote letters to around twelve women who were very dear friends and also very strong prayer warriors. We moved to Hawaii in 2001 so probably around early 2002 is my guess. If any of you still have my original letters I would love to hear from you. It grew through the years aa the Lord led me to other women in Hawaii and also in other countries. It went from hand written and snail mail to type written and via the computer. My daughter helped me set up a blog and website and helped me manage it until I could go out on my own. It has grown in amazing of ways. Reaching into the hearts of women around the world. Through the years the focus of praying for each and every one of you has always and will always be my desire. May I never lose sight of that Focus! I don't take it lightly and it most definitely is not some kind of ritual that I hold onto. It is a time when me and the Lord, come together and as He dictates the words I write them. Sometimes He gives me in the moment and other times it might be the night before, but still He guides, He directs the words He desires to place in each one's heart. I am so thankful to be used by Him in this way and thankful that as I obey Him the rewards are amazing in so many ways. Last night as I was reading my devotional, "Daily Light" by Bagster/Lotz, before going to sleep this verse spoke to me - "Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His Ways!" Romans 11:33. Dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, this is why we must never cease in praying and know of His great Power as He hears your cries and sees your tears. Abba Father, Gracious and Mighty and Magnificent and Glorious! Thank you LORD that You alone know our heart's cry. Thank You for this power as we bow before You knowing that You supply us with such riches beyond understanding and that Your Ways we will never be able to comprehend. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that today as she prays for people or places or circumstances or situations that You would hear those words so preciously spoken to You and embrace her with such a peace and joy and hope to Be Still and Know that You are God! In Jesus Name I pray, Amen. Blessings of Joy be upon you,


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