Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Teach Us To Number Our Days

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I had a dream last night and when I awoke I had to write down what was said, "do not let the end define you but rather complete you." The dream sequence - I was managing agent for a young man who was wanting to get his song published. The agents were there asking me about him because they had a choice between him and another person. The agent had the young man's resume in his hand and said, "is there anyway he can rewrite this because it seems that he just gave up at the end. In trying to convince him tell him, "do not let the end define you but rather complete you." I woke up and wrote down the words.

The end doesn't necessarily mean death. There are so many things in our lives that have an end and, unless it is death, the end is followed by a beginning. Yes the end of the day, the beginning of a new day. The end of being a child and the beginning of being an adult. The end of a season and the beginning of a new season. The end of a project and the beginning of a new one.

In our endings of something maybe it seems to define rather than complete. I would hope that the Lord would teach us to number our days that our endings would always be a completing of something rather than letting it define.

Dearest and most precious sisters-in-Christ, my prayer for today -

Abba Father, our Creator, Praise to thee and thank you that You created us to live in the beginning until the end, thank You that when the end of something happens You always have a beginning of something new. Thank You that everyday is a new day that You created and may each one of us rejoice and be glad in it. Lord I pray for each one today that as she looks at the things that are ending it will not define her but by Your Grace it completes her. May she rejoice in the end just as richly as she rejoices in the beginning. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

Blessings Upon You,



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