Wednesday, June 24, 2020

I Have Yet...

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Have you been asked a question regarding something you had said that you would do or if you had been or something you had thought about doing, and your response was, "I have yet..."

I have, in fact, lately this is the answer that has been given far too often. I am in need of a new perspective!! No doubt about it. How about all of you? Are there too many, "I have yet... responses in your life?

Let us consider, Phil. 4:13, "I can do ALL things through Him who strengthens me." Most definitely this is a new perspective, right?

Earlier this week, I received a text that ended with three words, "all goes smoothly." I pondered on the word, "All" and still pondering on the three words. All is so vast of a word, how can it be comprehended followed by goes and then smoothly. Who doesn't want "all goes smoothly" in a crisis, in a difficult situation, in a decision, in a recital, in an interview, in a conflict and even in a victory. If you have yet... because you do not know if it will go smoothly then might I suggest that in the reading of Phil. 4:13 you would be encouraged to proceed for it is written, "I can do ALL things through Him who strenghtens me."

So... if your response is, "I have yet..."

Let us pray: Abba Father, The Author and Perfector of our Faith, the Alpha and Omega, the "ALL". Oh Lord, thank You, O most Holy Lord that All things were created by You and in the creating You said that it was Good. Lord, in our lives may our plea that "all goes smoothly" be our three words of Faith in action, for to believe that it will is our Trust in You. Lord as each dear and precious sister-in-Christ lives each day may her dreams and desires and wants and needs be a witness to the world that we have such a God that LOVES us and tells us in His Word, that "I can do ALL things through Him who strengthens me." May their lives be a testimony of how smoothly ALL goes when they TRUST in the One who has made it ALL. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Blessings Upon You,



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