Wednesday, March 11, 2020

MUD - Job12:11 and Job 34:3

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

MUD! We are having wonderful springlike weather. All the snow mounds around the city have either melted or evaporated with the wind and sun. The frozen ground has started to thaw creating MUD!

As I looked out my study room window this morning I saw the tracks left by the garbage truck. There were deep ruts and where the truck had exited from the muddy alleyway and turned onto the street the mud from the tires left a trail of mud. I could only see to the corner the tracks that he was leaving but I know the muddy tracks kept going for some distance.

It reminded me of the consequences of our actions - MUD! Sticky, yucky dirt which gets into the smallest of crevices and depending on the consistency of the dirt, can be very difficult to remove.

MUD! leaves a mark or a residue that is hard to remove. MUD!

I remember as a kid we would have mud fights and afterwards it took forever to get the clothes, (some which I probably tossed away) clean and if you were covered from head to toe the ears were always the hardest to clean. Which brings me to a thought -

Scripture says that we are to test the words that we hear found in Job 12:11 and Job 34:3

"Doth not the ear try words? and the mouth taste his meat?" AND "For the ear trieth words, as the mouth tasteth meat."

Abba Father, Praise and Glory and Honor to Thee. LORD I pray that if there is any mud in our ears that You would help us to remove it and remove it quickly. LORD thank You that Your Holy Spirit guides and instructs and thank You Lord for Your Truth which directs our steps. Lord I ask that You would place a shield of LOVE around each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that any mud would not be able to cling to them. May their ears be opened to hear Your Whispers. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

I am listening LORD,



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