Wednesday, October 24, 2018

John 15:16 I Have Chosen You

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Wow, the creator of ALL. The One who Spoke everything into Existence. Yes, God says, in John 15:16, "You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you."

Yes, not only did He choose you and me but... He appointed you! So He has chosen and appointed!! He appointed that we would bear fruit. This kind of Fruit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patiene, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control, these fruits are only made possible by the Holy Spirit.

A lesson in life that I'm trying to daily work on in my life. It seems that if I could just take a "fruit" pill and that would take care of the matter. Like if I needed to show kindness I would go to my little stash of "fruit" pills and take one and instantly I would be filled with the kindness needed.

I'm so thankful that I don't need to have a storehouse full of pills for each fruit that I needed to have at just the right time. How about you? What kind of fruit are you needing to take today? Since He has chosen you and appointed you to go and bear fruit and that your fruit would remain, He is our Provider and our Creator and our Supplier and our Answer.

Abba Father, Praise and Glory and Honor to Thee above ALL things. Lord, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that she would come to that secret place and reside for awhile and ponder on these words, "You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you..." Lord, that she would abide in Your Presence for awhile and be still and know that she is an extradorary and remarkable woman and is adored by the Creator and that You have appointed her to go and bear fruit. Lord, may she go boldly forth and ask of the Father in the Name of Jesus. I ask in the Name of Jesus, the Names above all Names, Amen.



Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Pre Dawn Sky-This is the Day the Lord Has Made

Greetings dear and precious sisters=in=Christ,

This morning's ritual definitely has its reward. Each morning I open the bedroom curtain to look outside to see what kind of morning it is. This morning I got to see the most beautiful and inviting color of the predawn skyline. It seemed to be inviting me to walk into my day. It seemed to be welcoming me to rejoice in the day. I looked at the skylline and had a feeling that this is going to be a day of Peace and Joy.

I know that for many of you your day is just beginning like mine and others are in between and still others the day is ending. For those who have just begun, "welcome and enjoy your precious day". For those who are in-between, "I hope that your morning was welcoming.". For those whose day has ended, "I hope that the day was blessed with goodness and beauty."

Yes our days, which are so very precious. The beginning, the middle and the end of the lighted day probably 15 to 16 hours of the 24 hour day/night.

Do you find it welcoming? Do you find it wearisome? Do you find it threatening? I pray that your day is filled with the Goodness and Gentleness and Faithfulness of our Lord.

Abba Father, Praise to thee for this day - a day You have made and instruct us to rejoice and be glad in it. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that this day and every day she will welcome You into her day. May it be a day filled with the Goodness of You, the Gentleness of You, the Faithfulness of You, the Peace and Hope and Joy of You, and the Presence of You. Yes, Holy Spirit abide in their hearts and minds reminding them of the Grace and Mercy being extended each and every day. In the Precious Name of Jesus, the Name above ALL names, Amen.

Good Morning LORD,


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Captured Moments

Greetings dear and precious Sisters-in-Christ,

We just got back from a 17 day road trip. Traveled through 9 states (Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, South Dakota and Wyoming). Left on the 22nd of September and home by the 8th of October. The main reason for going was medical for my husband. He had scheduled appointments at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. Secondary was to visit our two sons; one son living in Ohio and the other living in Indiana. Whenever we have a road trip I have to plan in advance because the less times I need to stop at a rest area the farther along we can get in a day. (I know that is kind of personal but still a fact). Seventeen days and 9 states of captured moments. What does this mean?

From the moment we back out of our driveway and turn the corner onto the street leading to the highway we take to begin our road trip, the capturing of moments begin. The initial route we take we are very familiar with so we look for the special places where the coyotes have been spotted before and also to the telephone poles where the bald and golden eagles hang out and also the various species of hawks. Yes it is the wildlife that are our captured moments. It isn't until we enter into North Dakota that the captured moments change drastically. We enter into a different world completely, don't really know how to label it but... indeed the captured moments are just as beautiful and wonderful. We have made other road trips but this one I sensed was going to be different. Little did I know...

This adventurous journey was all about the captured moments of my day. I know that it was the Lord opening my eyes and my ears and my conscious mind to see His Beauty in the events of the day. Every day from beginning to end was an adventure and by that I mean: NOUN - an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity. VERB - engage in hazardous and exciting activity, especially the exploration of unknown territory. Whether it is used as a noun or a verb the day was indeed all of these; unusual, exciting, hazardous in the sense of trying to second guess where the ORANGE cones were going to be next, and exploring unknown territory.

Yes, each day lived whether at medical appointments or entering the lobby of our hotel or waking up in our sons' houses and enjoying their lives or driving down the road listening to Sirius radio or visiting special places with your son and having him show you his interests or watching your granddaughter skate or sitting at the dinner table and talking and listening to what matters or walking into a house where everything has been prepared for your stay or sitting on a comfortable couch just listening to the voices of chatter or hearing the sound of your favorite song being played by your granddaughter or being greeted with a welcoming smile or knowing that the complimentary breakfast does have gluten free options.

Yes, captured moments that will linger in my mind and in my thoughts!!

Abba Father, Thank You and Praise thee for all the captured moments of our lives. Lord, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that each day from beginning to end she would KNOW and TRUST and REST in the blessed assurance that each captured moment of her life is of You. It is for Your Glory and for her Good. Yes, may she rejoice in her day knowing that You have made it and ALL (the adventure of it) has been planned and purposed and directed and lovingly prepared by You, our Sovereign Lord. LORD also teach us to number our days and remember that each captured moment is precious. I ask this in the Precious Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, Amen.

