Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Lesson Learned from the Wild Rose

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Several months back I trimmed the yellow wild rose bush growing in our front yard. At that time I was scratched but didn't think anything about it until Monday when I went to the doctor for my routine 3 month checkup. The spot where I was scratched hadn't gone away, in fact three little blisters or lumps had developed and last week they were painful to the touch. Me doing my own doctoring, which is very dangerous indeed, had all kinds of scenarios so... the doctor checked it out and his response, "rose thorns can have a bacteria on them which can only be treated with an antibiotic." My response, "How can something that beautiful have anything that would cause an infection?"

Once again, there I go again - thinking!

Ah, how marvelous that the Beauty of the Lord is the only thing that is Pure and to be Trusted. Ah, how significant that our desire should be to see the Lord's beauty and recognize that all else pales in comparison.

Yes, I really, really like the beauty of the wild rose but when scratched by one of its thorns that beauty can cause an infection. How many times have we probably looked at the outside beauty only to realize later that it is flawed. My lesson learned was twofold actually: 1) don't assume the small scratch will go away just because it was caused by something beautiful and 2) don't look at the outside beauty of nature or man but rather look for the inner beauty of the Lord who has given us such rich beauty in ALL Things. He is the Creator and His Beauty is Pure and Holy and Righteous.

Abba Father, Praise and Glory to thee our most Glorious and Beautiful and Sovereign Lord. Thank you that Your Beauty is displayed in the Heavens and on Earth and when seen from Your eyes, how are we able to comprehend the significance of the colors displayed. Lord, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that she would look upon Your Beauty alone to satisfy the hunger and thirst of the important things in life. May she see Your rich blessings and Your Abundant Colors You alone give us to enjoy each twenty-four hour day. I ask in the Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, Amen.

May His Rich Beauty Be Evident Today,



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