Wednesday, August 29, 2018

On My Knees Removing the Previous in Preparation for the New

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Yes, the Lord has me on my knees doing manual labor - removing the landscaping rocks from previous owners. We are repurposing them. It was a project that we started in early June hoping to get it completed within a couple weeks, well... There are two more areas that need to be tended to and I'm hoping to get this area done by the end of the week. I started yesterday morning and worked a couple of hours and cleared half of the area and today I'm giving my body a rest and hopefully will continue tomorrow. The reason I am on my knees is because I find that by using my hands to gather the rocks together and simultaneously removing the underlying liner I'm able to physically do this. My hands are sore today which I expected along with my neck and shoulders and back and legs (well basically the whole body).

While I am doing this physical work my mind is going a thousand thoughts a minute (well maybe that is an exaggeration, but pretty close) and little things catch my attention.

Spiders and worms and ants!! Spider webs and egg sacks, big worms and little worms, and LOTS and HORDES of ants. Insects and a lot of them.

In this process of removing the previous to prepare for the new what is being discovered is that there is so much that is not seen. So my lesson learned by doing this:

1) removing the previous is back backing, on your knees labor.

2) it takes longer than you think or plan.

3) there is much hidden which is exposed.

My prayer for this Wednesday being the last Wednesday of August 2018 -

Abba Father, Praise and Glory and Honor to thee above ALL things. LORD thank You that Your LOVE endures forever and ever and ever. LORD I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that as she comes before you whether on her knees or standing bolding with lifted hands or bowed low in humble adoration may she be mindful of the things that are hidden in her heart that You are able to expose, may she be mindful of the plans that You have for her life and may she mindful of the what Jesus did when He died on the Cross. May she be mindful of the removing of the previous in preparation for the New that You want to bring into her life. I ask of this in the Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, Amen.




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