Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Picking Raspberries

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

It has been a couple of weeks since I have posted and I do apologize for my lack in communicating with all of you. I hope and pray that each of your lives are being filled with His Gentleness. It seems more than ever that the Lord's gentleness needs to be in our lives more and more.

He has gifted me with His Gentleness in an amazing way - picking raspberries with my mom.

My mom is so sweet and with her declining memories there are very few things that give her pleasure and not angst and one of them is picking raspberries. This is something that she did not do when daddy was alive. In fact daddy loved raspberries and had planted several raspberry bushes around one of their small sheds several years ago and year and year it has produced. This year was no exception.

I kept a close eye on the raspberry bushes and when they started to produce I would go over and ask mom if I could pick raspberries. This was a couple of weeks ago. She joined me the first time and since then it is every other day that I go over and me and mom spend at least an hour just picking raspberries and being together.

It is the highlight of my day just to hear her chatter and laughter and just being together mom and me.

This is my prayer...

Abba Father,
Thank you that You gift us with so many blessings. Thank you that each day is filled with chatter and laughter and just being together. You alone draw us closer to you, You alone fill our senses with the most beautiful moments. Lord, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that she would hear Your Whispers and Hear Your Song being sung over her and feel Your Presence as she walks through her day. May it be filled with Your Gentleness with each breath and each step and each encounter. I ask in the Name of Jesus, the Name above All names, Amen.




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