Wednesday, June 20, 2018

My Day Happenings

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I'm a little late today - this is how it went - This is the first nice and sunny day we have had in the last 5 days so 7:30 off to the pool for my lap swimming, a much needed exercise for me. Then home by 9:15 and into the shower because at 10:00 there was the military honors ceremony for a fallen veteran, Frank Hanzel, who passed away at the age of 90 and was a very prominent man in this town. At 10:30 went to coffee with my cousin who also attended the services then home for breakfast. My husband started to mow the lawn so I started to trim the weeds. Needed to that because it is supposed to be stormy AGAIN for the next few days. Now it was 2:30 and thinking I could rest, OOPS, went shopping so am home now and realized that I really want to get this email prayer posted today.

It was a strange mixture of a day to say the least, just tryng to get in my two cups of tea was challenging. I'm working on the second cup now.

I know that it is the same with all of you dear and preicous sisters-in-Christ, each day of our lives are packed with the usual and the unusual, the planned and the unplanned, the expected and the unexpected; all of the moments of the day! That is what is exciting about our lives, we have no idea what and that is the mystery of our LORD. We do know one thing for sure. And that is that HE is forever faithful and He changes NOT.

Taking hold of that I do relish in my days. I hope for the same for all of you.

Abba Father, our most Sovereign LORD, the One who is and who was and who is to come. Praise to thee. LORD I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that her moments in her day are filled to the brim with Your most tenderest of mercies, Your sweetest Grace, Your Amazing LOVE and Your Awesome Glory. In the Precious Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, Amen.

Loving My Day,



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