Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Horizontal Rainbow

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

A neighbor friend from Hawaii sent me a picture the other day of a horizontal rainbow. They were bracing for yet another hurricane and the skies were filled with ominous clouds but in the midst of a set of clouds there was a rainbow. He sent it to me with the caption, "something he had not seen before, a horizontal rainbow." I responded thanking him for sharing the pic and his thinking of us with his new found discovery.

I have been thinking about the horizontal rainbow. How faithful is our God that in the midst of a crisis or senseless tragedy or impending doom, whether imaged or real, that God does place in our minds and hearts His Promises. Often times we do not readily see the promises because it may not look like how we have always seen it. Like the rainbow, it is supposed to be arcing - it is supposed to be a bow across the sky, right?

Today I am reflecting on something that happened thirty-two years ago. What I thought was a bad thing actually was a horizontal rainbow, a promise from God that He is a Sovereign God who is seated on the throne, that nothing happens in my life that is outside of His Plans, and that His plans for me are Good even when they don't seem that way on the surface. Wow, isn't our God amazing!!!

Abba Father, Praise and Glory and Honor to You our most Sovereign Lord. Lord, thank You for Your Promises and for Your Goodness. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that she would have her eyes opened and her heart expanded and her mind receptive to see, feel and comprehend that in the midst of her day You are constantly revealing Your Promises, may we, Your dear and precious ones be filled with Your Spirit and Rest in the Confidence that Your Plans are unchangeable and nothing will be able to thwart the Plans You have for our lives. In the Precious Name of Jesus, the name above all names, I pray. Amen

Blessings Galore,



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