Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Yellow Wild Rose Blooming

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Before I began my posting I looked out my study window and was captured by the beauty of the yellow wild rose blooming on the left street-side of my property. Because our street in the main street leading to the high school and the park and the end of town it gets alot of traffic and it is always cleared of snow in the winter. This winter was brutal and most of my property that faced the street had 6 ft drifts after each plowing. We had A LOT of snow this year!

This past Monday we (DH and I) went to the nurseries and looked at some rose bushes to plant around our yard and yes they were very beautiful and colorful and fragrant but paled in comparison to the wild rose growing along the road.

I had a thought... how beautiful are the blooms, how rich is the color, how fragrant is the scent of the yellow wild rose. It has been covered by ice and snow, smothered by rocks and debris, coated by dust and dirt for most of the winter but come spring with a little bit of pruning and removing of rocks and debris the tender shoots exposed to the rain and the sun. God's gardening -- pruning, removing, watering, and light.

The result -- jaw dropping, eye opening, taking a deep breath, and beauty beyond words. Yes, God's gardening is so much more than we can ever imagine or think or dream or plan.

Abba Father, Thank you for doing all the gardening of and in and through my life. Praise to thee most Glorious and Magnificent LORD. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that she be pliable in Your Loving Grace and allow You to prune, remove, water and light her life in the most amazing of ways. May she bloom ever so beautifully and may the beauty and the fragrance of the LORD be a testimony to Your Faithfulness and Love and Peace in her life as she daily walks with You. In the Precious Name of Jesus, the Name Above ALL names, Amen.




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