Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Psalm 139

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I think I am beginning to understand just why time traveling movies and returning to your high school/college days are so very popular. I am living in such a time. It seems that my encounters with individuals has been remembering what we did in high school. Also being with parents I am reminded of my younger years. Trying to balance the person that I am now and the person who I was is something that I am working on. I am having to say to myself that I am deeply loved by the LORD and He created me, He fashioned me, and He alone is my LORD. Just when I think it is safe to go aside again, another encounter will set off my emotions and thoughts and once again I have to retreat.

As I was sharing with a dear friend, we were talking about Queen Esther and how the Lord places us just where He wants us to be and just how Mordecai answered Esther in Chapter 4, verse 14, I was strengthened by her encouraging words and by reading Psalm 139 I am accepting the Love of the Lord and clinging to verse 4 of Chapter 139, "For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O Lord, thou knowest it altogether.

The Lord also keeps telling me, "DO NOT BE AFRAID", and being the extravert that I am, I am trying every single day to be a blessing to others and at the same time accepting encouragement and embracing all that He has already given me.

Abba Father, All Praise and Glory to You. Thank You Lord for Your Amazing LOVE!! How Gracious and Mighty art Thou. Lord I come before Your Holy and Righteous Throne of Grace and ask in the blessed and Precious Name of Jesus to bless each dear sister-in-Christ with such PEACE that she will be giddy with JOY in knowing she is intimately and deeply LOVED by Thee. May her seconds be filled with Your Richness, may her moments be filled with Your Goodness, may her hours be filled with Your Gentleness and may her days and nights be filled with Your Presence. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

Embracing That Which Has Already Been Given,


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

A Challenge for the Week - Joshua 1:1-9

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I hope that you are enjoying the summer days and nights, here where I am the days are blessed with sunshine and on my walks an array of colors and scents to fill me with lovely thoughts of Joy. The nights are long and cool so that taking an after dinner walk or visiting with neighbors is a delightful way to end the day. I have been spending more time with my folks since my dad's last stay in the hospital. The visits are taxing at times for me because I am remembering the past and living in the present and not wanting to look into the future.

On Sunday mornings I listen to Dr. Charles Stanley of In Touch Ministries and this week he gave a challenge. The challenge was to read Joshua 1:1-9 morning and night for a week; in his closing prayer he asked the Lord to remind anyone who accepted the challenge, and if that person forgot, the Lord would remind him. Sure enough last night I was very tired and went to bed and had to get up and get my bible for the Lord did remind me.

As I read these few verses each morning to start my day, a certain phrase will remind me - since my mind is more clear in the morning I am able to feast on the words more than when I am tired in the evening but still the impression of these words of truth resonate within my mind. I read it this morning before posting. And just like my visit to the folks reading the verses I am remembering the past and living in the present and not wanting to look into the future. It is enough for me right now to know that, "There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee. I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee." Yes, the Lord said this to Joshua, but the principle still stands, our mighty GOD is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is the Great I AM.

My prayer for this day:
Abba Father, LORD God, our Creator, praise thee and thank thee that You are the same and that You will not fail nor forsake these precious and dear sisters-in-Christ. Lord I ask that You cover them with the Robe of Righteousness and may they take up the battle armor as they walk through this day and each day forward. Oh Lord God how merciful and mighty art thou. I pray that they will rejoice and be glad in this present day for you have made it and command that we rejoice and be glad in it. Also may they be thankful of all the tender mercies you are filling the present day with, ah, such rich blessings You give to us. May we be reminded once again of Your most Beautiful Love and Sweet Peace and Overwhelming Joy. In the Precious Name of Jesus, Amen.

Embracing That Which Has Already Been Given,
