Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Writing Letters

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

One of the company's that I follow on Twitter named the month of February as National Letter Writing Month, I had not written a letter for some time so decided that it would be enjoyable. I have enough fountain pens and inks and papers. This morning I was reminded that my Wednesday morning prayers to all of you began with writing letters. In 2001 when we moved to the Big Island (Hawaii) from Montana I missed my Prayer Warriors so much that I started to write each one once a week. As the months and years passed the Lord placed more and more precious and dear sisters-in-Christ in my life. With the help of my daughter it went from letter writing to a webpage and then to a blog. My prayer warriors also expanded from 12 in the beginning to over 80. I hope to continue doing this for a very long time. God is so marvelous in His abundant love for us.

I was searching for a birthday card last night and in my big box of letters and envelopes and cards and stickers I found this - "Write your plans in pencil; then give God the eraser"

The month of February is also considered the month to share Love so this being the first Wednesday of the month of Love my prayer -

Abba Father,

Praise Thee and thank Thee for Your Word written down for Us. Your letters written to Us so intimate and so divine. I pray that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ would read your letters of Love and live their lives being deeply and fully and intimately and beautifully and dearly LOVED by You. May You be Glorified in their lives. In the Precious Name of Jesus, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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