Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Deep Things of God

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Two things happened this past weekend that I would like to share - the first being a visit to the hospital. My boss was involved in a one car accident that was very serious. The car was totalled and her body was bruised and battered a lot. I had already seen the car before I got a chance to see her lying in the hospital bed. From the looks of the car it was a miracle that she was alive. This happened on Tuesday morning and we went to see her on Saturday. She was in a chemically induced coma so she could heal from her injuries. As I looked at her I said, "you have to wake up now, I know it is going to be painful but you have a lot to do yet." I knew that this was the right thing to say to her. I touched her body and kissed her forehead and told her once again to wake up. Yesterday she woke up. Praise you Lord.

The other had to do with my car - we had leased a new mini cooper in August and for some reason I had not taken care of the vehicle, by that I mean washing and cleaning both the inside and outside. The previous mini was properly taken care of once a month. He (I had named the car Fedele, which means faithful in Italian) was getting very dirty and I was a little embarressed to have anyone ride in it. My husband had also remarked about the fact that the car was so very dirty. On Saturday morning after my walk I decided that it needed to be really cleaned and vacuumed. It was when I touched the hood of the car that I realized I had never really thought that this car was actually a gift from God. The instant my hand touched the hood, that touch alone seemed to radiate through my body and I knew then that God was showing me something. I touched all of the car and prayed thanking the Lord for this gift.

Yes, God's touch - whether a human body or an object - it is still so glorious. It is one of the deep things of God. "But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God" (I Cor 2:10) Who can fathom? Who can grasp? Who can know?

Abba Father, Praise and Glory and Honor to thee my Sovereign Lord, thank You oh LORD for Your Goodness and Mercy. Lord I pray for each dear and preicous sister-in-Christ that she would feel your touch upon her as she walks with You and as she talks with You. May each step taken be a step closer to You and may each word spoken be a pleasing sound to Your ears. Lord bless each one today and may Your Spirit come and reveal the deep things of You. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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