Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Oh how wonderful to be able to celebrate the end of this year with my dear and precious sisters-in-Christ. This year for me has been filled with very mixed emotions. Each day was truly a walk in faith. Some situations and circumstances arose so suddenly that I did not have time to prepare, isn't that the way life goes though. This year I did something very scary for me - I decided to challenge myself. My daughter facilitated a group called "The Artist Way" and I was one of the nine members who participated online. Just before that God had placed me in a situation that needed to be faced head on - I could not ignore it - it was not going to go away. So I surrendered what little of myself I had to Him and began to not trust in the self but to cry out to Him. Once I did He began to bring about the most amazing of things - things that left me speechless and in Awe of Him. Things that only He could create and in the creating of it He packed more than enough. Yes, 2014, is soon coming to an end and 2015 will begin. The sun will come up and the Lord will fill our days with tender mercies.

Abba Father, we lift up holy hands to thee and worship thee alone, our Sovereign Lord. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ this day and for the days ahead that she would be filled to the brim and overflowing with all of You. May it be a Joshua year. She has waited, she has kept the faith, she has trusted and now direct her steps to walk more boldly and ask for the BIG and to seek the IMPOSSIBLE and to knock and keep knocking. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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