Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Psalm 85:10-11

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

One of the most beautiful things here are the sunsets - watching the sun as it sets waiting for a green flash is a tourist dream come true. I have a different favorite than waiting for the green flash, mine is the very first time that the sun kisses the ocean. A couple of years back I was making a trip to the grocery store about the time of the sunset so drove into one of the local scenery spots to catch a glimpse. As I stood there a man and his two small daughters showed up. One of the little girls didn't want to just stand there and I could tell that the man really wanted to watch the sunset. I moved just a little closer to her and bent down and said, "Do you know what my favorite part of watching the sunset is?" I caught her attention - she nodded her head. I continued, "It is when the sun kisses the ocean." We began to watch together and as soon as it kissed we both sighed. She then left my side and went over to her father and said, "that was nice" and she continued to watch until it set.

The verse referenced Psalm 85:10-11, "Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other." reminds me of how beautiful it is to watch as the burning sun, the daylight is setting and as it very gently touches the ocean (the earth) there is that one special moment when I am captured by how glorious and magnificent is the LORD. Oh sweet Jesus, only by the blood of the Lamb, was it possible for mercy and truth to meet together and for righteousness and peace to kiss each other.

Abba Father, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ - may it be so Lord that as she lives out her day and greets those who need your love she would be a blessing to all those whom you send her way. Lord may she be one who comes along side and says to someone, "Do you know what my favorite part of ..." and tell her story of just how rich and lovely is the love of the LORD. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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