Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

This being Wednesday it is my half day at work and the afternoon spent with doing things that I enjoy doing. Now don't get me wrong, my place of employment is great! I have two bosses who are very understanding and supportive and also 6 co-workers who lend an understanding ear. Now back to my afternoon's - specifically today's - my first appointment is with my eye doctor, these eyes have been very dry lately and I am experiencing for the very first time - ocular migraines (not fun). He is going to examine these dry and tired eyes.

I am on my own until 3:30 when I visit the dentist for my 6 month (long overdue) checkup and cleaning. I like my dentist office too!! The dental team are superb at making sure that the visit is a wonderful and relaxing visit and they are successful at it. The receptionist to the dentist himself treat you so special.

So what does all this have to do with conversations you might ask? When I enter these offices the conversations are always flavored with joy. When I am greeted with a smile and a welcoming "hello" it makes the visit and the conversation so much sweeter. This is my prayer for this Wednesday the third day of the Holy Week,

Abba Father, Praise to the one who created, You Spoke at it came into existence. Lord God I pray that in our conversations today we would allow the Holy Spirit to speak the words that bring Joy and Hope and Peace to others who are without those things. Lord I pray for blessings upon each and every dear and precious sister-in-Christ, may she hear Your Voice and enter into a time of fruitfulness in her life. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal



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