Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Beauty and Fragrance of the Lord

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

In an attempt to keep my pact (to stop biting my fingernails) with my granddaughter, which I made last September, I have been going to a manicurist.
Just having my nails done wasn't doing the job so I decided to add some bling to a couple of the nails. I'm liking it! I asked the girl how often she would recommend that I have my nails done and how can I keep them healthy. Her response was once a month and for the health of the nails apply cuticle cream a couple times a week. This is a doable plan for me. So off to the chain stores to find some cuticle cream. Finding a name brand I looked at the ingredients which covered the whole box that the product was in left very disappointed. A couple days later I visited our local ABC Stores and the sales clerk said that they don't carry cuticle cream but did have some cuticle oil. She directed me to the counter and I had several different choices of fragrances,(honeysuckle, jasmine, lavender, and lilac) my choice was the lilac. As I write this post I realize that I went to great lengths in order to break a bad habit of mine. The steps that I took were outward signs for me to see and remind me that biting my nails was not a good and healthy habit. I adorned my nails with beautiful colored polish and sweet smelling oil to keep them healthy.

This is my desire for the year 2014 - to adorn myself with the beauty and the sweet fragrance of the Lord.

Abba Father, Your Beauty is beyond description and the sweet Jesus how fragrant is Your Presence. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that she would adorn herself with Your beauty which is beyond description and put on the sweet fragrance of Jesus as she walks through each day. Lord you give each of us 24 hours packed full of tender mercies may we use them wisely and seek until we find and ask until you answer and knock until you open and when we close our eyes at night may we be still and rest in Your Beauty. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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