Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Love that is as Deep as it is Wide

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

May I present you with two questions this morning?

The first, how do you explain?

and after you have given that answer, the second, how do you describe?

Look at the title of this post - A Love that is as Deep as it is Wide!

Abba Father, thank You for Your Love, Praise You for how you are speaking into the hearts of these precious sisters-in-Christ today and each day of their lives. Lord I pray that as they ponder on these two questions that You would anoint them with Your wisdom. LORD, that they would know in their hearts and in their minds and in their souls that as they seek to know You, LORD. That You will whisper in their hearts and reveal to them the great I AM.

In Jesus Name, Amen


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