Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Child-like Faith

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, These past few months have been like none other in my life. I have sought Abba Father more in the these last few months than ever before. More than when I was raising my three children, yes, even more than during their teenage years and even through their leaving home and venturing out on their own. God has allowed me to traverse the deep valleys these past few months. I have wanted answers to my many questions, I have asked and I have sought but still the silence. I fell the other day and in the process of trying to catch my fall, some damage was done to my right ankle and right wrist. I knew that I was going to be in pain. I happened to be on the phone with my mom at the time and she asked if I was okay. I told her that I was hurting but if she could put my brother on the phone so he could pray for me because for right now he was closer to God than me. My brother has stage 4 multi-cancers and he is a new babe in Christ. It was in a sermon from the church I attended on the mainland that the minister said that God loves to answer the prayers of new babes in Christ because He is building up their faith. When I asked my brother to pray for me he did not hesitate but asked for BIG things. And God answered his requests. Oh, for the child-like faith to ask and to know God is listening. I do not know where you are in your walk with the Lord but HE does!! Abba Father, Praise thee that in the midst of it ALL You are Sovereign, thank You that each breath we take and each step that we take is known by You. LORD, I pray for each sister-in-Christ today that as she comes before Your Throne of Grace that she be in AWE of Thee. Yes, that she be as a child who is waiting and waiting for her daddy to come home and when she sees him she is so filled with excitement that she runs to him with open arms and when she is picked up she knows that all is right. Oh Lord, may Your Presence be revealed in her life today. In Jesus Name, Amen. Running to Him with Open Arms,

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Seven Nights and Six Days

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Our oldest son was transitioning from military life to civilian life and came home for a year. It was the summer of that year that we (my husband, son, daughter and me) decided that it would be fun to take a canoe trip down the Missouri River. My thinking was this, how hard is it going to be, we are in canoes floating downstream with the current. My first big mistake!! Departure day arrived and canoes loaded we were ready. My parents drove us to the landing and arrangements were made to pick us up 6 days later. My son and daughter in one and my husband and me in the other. As we waved goodbye and started the first sound was the muskrats then the beavers and then the sound of the paddles hitting the river. We had our map and each morning before taking off we would plan on setting up camp at a designated spot. My second thinking was, how wonderful to just float along and at night sleep in the tent. My second big mistake!! In order to set up camp we had to actually do something. There were no Motel 6's along the way. Each night camp needed to be set up. This routine was easy enough to get into with each one of us knowing what needed to be done. It was during day that the challenges came along. We had wind and rain strong enough to blow us across the wide expanse. We had heat and we had bugs. The seven nights and six days spent were the most challenging and also the most rewarding. The lessons I learned: my son has the most amazing sense of humor, my daughter has no fear when it comes to bugs and dirt and night sounds or anything else we encountered, my husband is not directionally challenged and does know how to survive in the wild, and me well I did a lot of rethinking. Abba Father, most Holy Lord, thank You that You order our days. Praise thee Lord. Thank You for our days and nights Lord. Thank You that with each day You fill it with Tender Mercies. Thank You that each night You fill it with Sweetness. Oh Lord, I pray for each sister-in-Christ that she embrace each new day with the knowledge that You have filled it and with the wisdom to know what to do in each circumstance and each challenge that she may encounter. May she start and end each day in communion with You. In Jesus Name, Amen. Enjoy Your Day,

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

The Touch of God

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Last Sunday I found myself, once again, holding the hand of someone that I love. I have to admit that the reason for holding her hand was more for myself than for her. While I was visiting family on the mainland my friend had taken a turn for the worse and hospice had been called in to help. In that short of time - 10 days. In the holding of her hand I felt the Presence of God. It was something about touching her that I knew she had something that we all desperately long for - PEACE. She glowed with GOD'S PEACE. Such brilliance, the Beauty of the LORD. And while I sat there holding her hand I was the one being comforted. GOD is GOODNESS. Abba Father, our Strength in times of weakness, our Joy in times of sorrow, our Peace in times of turmoil and our Righteousness in times of Unfairness. Praise thee oh Lord that it is Your Touch that brings the LOVE. Oh LORD I pray for Your Touch today in the hearts and minds and souls of each dear and precious sister-in-Christ. May she feel it upon her heart giving her the boldness to not faint, may she feel it upon her mind giving her the full knowledge of Your thoughts and Will and may she feel it upon her soul giving her the strength to soar as the eagle in the midst of all her trials and circumstances and disappointments and hurts. In Jesus Name, Amen.