Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Psalm 13:4-6 - Trusting in His Lovingkindness

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Well we have almost made it through the first month of January, this being the last day and it happens to fall on a Wednesday. For several years every Wednesday was a special day because I only had to work half a day, which meant that after lunch was free time for me. I started to do different things on my half day. Sometimes it was a drive to someplace special, other times it was catching up with friends and at other times it was just taking some quiet time for myself. Even though we moved away from that city the tradition has stuck in my mind. And since I have retired Wednesday is still a special day for me. Do you have a special day? Last night before falling asleep this chapter and verses in the Psalm came to my mind. And again this morning before beginning my post and being obedient to the Lord I opened my bible this morning and read Psalm 13:4-6, "And my enemy will say, "I have overcome him." But I have trusted in Your lovingkindness; my heart shall rejoice in Your salvation. I will sing to the LORD, Because He has dealt bountifully with me." Yes, I am trusting in His Lovingkindness and because of this my heart shall rejoice in Your salvation and I will sing to Him for He has dealt bountifully with me. His lovingkindness is forever and ever! The LORD has dealt bountifully with me. Yes, He has, and every day is a special day and just not a half day either, but a full day filled with tender mercies and it begins anew every day. Definition of bountifully - liberal or generous in bestowing gifts or favors. Yes He does! Oh LORD each day You are liberal/generous in bestowing gifts and favors. Lord forgive me for some days I lose sight of this beautiful promise. Let us pray - Father, Abba Father, how great and glorious and beautiful thou art. We give you all the honor and praise and rejoice in this day for Your lovingkindness and for dealing bountifully with us. May each dear and precious sister-in-Christ's heart rejoice in Your salvation, the greatest gift, Your Son, Jesus Christ, who died on the Cross for us and let us sing to the LORD because He has dealt bountifully (oh Lord Your gifts and favors) with us. Lord, I ask that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ will rise up once again and trust fully and rejoice this day for whatever enemy she may have or whatever situation has caused her to be shaken that she need not fear BUT know in her heart that You are in control of her every moment. In Jesus Name, Amen. Trusting in His lovingkindness,


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