Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Christmas Card Letter

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Merry Christmas! It is that time of the year when Christmas cards are sent and received and usually a letter is enclosed or a postcard with various pictures showing the year's happenings. This is my Christmas letter highlights of my year - it really began in April with knowing that we were to move. So preparing the house to sell and selling and moving and questions of where to move and finally finding a place in Anna, Ohio. All this happened between April 25th and August 6th. All the in between miracles and blessings and the faithfulness of God seemed to be heightened each day as I cried out to the Lord for help, healing, strength, and patience. Yes, each phase of the whirlwind adventure seemed to bring with it impossible and endless situations. And at each cry unto the Lord He answered in the most amazing of ways. Let me share some highlights: After we made the decision to move, my husband went into the hospital with sepsis - this being his fourth bout with it was decided that his health was of utmost importance. Informing our adult children of his health issues our son who lives in Ohio invited us to come live closer to him. With that decision being made, we began the move - selling the house and preparing for the move. In June my husband went back into the hospital with his 5th bout of sepsis but with the answer to many healing prayers he was able to make the drive and the move to our son's house and then we found a place in August. All the things that happened on a daily basis was at times very stressful but the blessings received and the time with our son and his family while trying to find a house are priceless memories. So this Christmas we will be spending Christmas day with him and also our two adult grandchildren, something that has not happened in many, many years. The months have gone by quickly and yet each day seemed like a year long with new situations cropping up. I would like to say that without your encourageing replies and your prayers my life would have been far worse. If I can be selfish enough to ask for prayers for this coming year - my husband's health and his doctor's appointments; for me strength to be able to do the things that need to be done and for both of us time to enjoy all that the Lord has planned and purposed for our lives. Let us pray: Abba Father, Praise to Thee and we worship You. Thank You for sending your son, Jesus! Lord, I ask that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ be divinely anointed this Christmas season with a Joy that starts deep within her being and shines forth in the lives of her loved ones. May her countenance be such that everyone who looks upon her will know that she has been in the Presence of the Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen. Merry Christmas Blessings,


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