Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Such Is Life

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Nearing the end of summer and signs of the opening of schools and the activities of planning and once again having to be on a schedule. Alarms being set and the morning routine of making sure tummies are full and lunch boxes/bags are packed and waiting for the bus to arrive. I used to do that several years back and now I view it from afar. I do have friends and family that are still doing it and I love seeing the first day of school pictures that are posted on social media. Remembering back when I would have to prepare for the first day of school. What I chose to wear and how important it was to walk into that school after the summer months and seeing new faces and also greeting new friends. Yes the routines and schedules will begin again but that is a good thing for once again life will have a rhythm and flow that will become a habit for awhile. Such is life... our walk with the Lord is like that sometimes, don't you think? During the summer months when you get out of your routine it is hard sometimes to start. So for those families that are having to set alarms and prepare the breakfasts and lunches and make sure their children make it to the bus stop in time - you can do it. The first few days will be rough but embrace the time of preparedness. Abba Father, thank You that You plan and purpose our days and when You plan and purpose it is for our good and for your glory. Lord I praise you for all the different challenges and also interests that You provide. Lord, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that now have to prepare the days ahead that You would inspire them and encourage them that You have already gone before them and removed all the obstacles. Lord bless each season of their lives. In Jesus Name, Amen. Embracing Life,


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