Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Working Hard At Being Kind

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, I visited my mom last week and during our visit I called her sister so they could talk. Her sister is one of 8 surviving siblings out of 12 total. Even though mom has not visited her family since 2012 they always stay in contact and trying to keep that going with mom's dementia is so important for her other siblings. So, to continue, my mom was telling her sister that she has to work really hard where she is staying now, which her sister and I questioned her about. It was after they had completed the call that I brought up the subject once again because I was thinking, what kind of work did she need to do for she lives in a nursing home and all of her needs are taken care of. Her response, "i have to work hard at making sure people are happy and that they have a smile on their face." How precious my mom is! Mom has always been a special kind of introvert, one who is able to stay in the background and yet at the same time be the center of attention. And until the time came to place her in a nursing home because her dementia had advanced it was a very hard decision but now looking back God had His plans and purposes for mom all along. She is loved by the staff and all those she comes in contact with for she really doesn't have to work very hard. She is a natural at making people feel very special and her smile is contagious. She is kind spirited and that is truly a gift to have one which God gives freely. One of the gifts of the Spirit is Kindness and I have done numerous bible studies and also I have come before the Lord many times asking for help in being kind but it was from that conversation that I got a "whole picture of kindness." And in mom's mind she is working really hard at it but in reality she was given the gift and she can't help but be kind. Let us pray - Abba Father, Praise to Thee for Your faithfulness and for sending the Holy Spirit to counsel and to guide. Thank You that through the Holy Spirit we have been given fruits and one of them is Kindness. Oh Lord, may Your Kindness be evident in our lives as we live out each day. Lord, You give us one day and in that day may we be filled up with kindness, the kindness which brings a smile to a troubled person or a smile on the face of someone who is having a hard time. Lord, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that Your kindness would shine upon her like a beacon of light. In Jesus Name, Amen. The Lord's kindness be upon you,


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